Event Types

Different kinds of event/schedule types

All of the event types will appear there. You would be able to create, update, or delete a type from that section for your different evnts. An event can be for 30 minutes with Google meet, other event can be 120 minutes on physical meeting, etc.

Event Type List

You will find all of event types on the following page. The page URL should be like as following http://website.com/dashboard/event_types

Clicking on a particular event type will go to the modify/update screen. You will be able to update event type from that screen. You will be able to create a new event type with clicking plus icon. Also if you click on the setting gear icon for a particular event type a drop-down list will appear to delete/edit/clone.

Create a event type

From the event type list page if you click on the plus icon, you will be able to create a new event type for the events.

Event Name, Location, Duration, Description all of those above fields are required to fill up to create a new event type.

Update an existing event type

If you select/click on a particular event type from the type list page you would be able to update that particular event type info.

***Save: It's much important to save an event type with clicking Update and Close button when you complete modification for a particular event type

Delete Event type

On the event type list page you will see a delete button when you click on the setting gear icon for a particular event type as like on the above screenshot. You'll get a confirmation dialogue while you try to delete an event type. You just need to confirm and the event type will delete/archive.

Last updated