
Dev Instructions

If you would like to modify any front-end pages you need have instlled node.js in your computer.

Install Node.js

You can follow the node.js website( for that

Install Yarn

npm install --global yarn

Watch or Build

After making any changes you need to build or watch front-end.

# Watch
yarn watch

# Build Dev
yarn dev

# Build Production
yarn prod

Update/Modify Vue.js Files

After making any changes on the vue.js files, you need to run the above watch or build command.

Backend Change

After making changes on the web route or clear the cache you need to run the following commands.

php artisan optimize
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan route:cache
php artisan view:clear
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:clear

Update Composer

If you facing any issue on the command/terminal end for the changing PHP version you may need to update the dependancies with running the following command

composer update

Last updated